New Features February 2024

Updated on Feb 05, 2024

Here is a roundup of the features added over the last 8 weeks.


Lighthouse HTTP Basic Authentication

Starting with the biggest, it is now possible to test and monitor pages behind HTTP Basic Authentication. In the edit site page, there are now fields for username and password.

If these are populated, all scans for all URLs on the site will have the username and password included in the request.

A new Single Test feature has also been added for testing pages instantly without waiting for the next scheduled scan. This is useful when iterating on changes that need to be checked quickly to see what impact they had. Any URL can be input here or you can choose one of your monitored URLs.

After running a test, the results page has a Rerun button so you can easily get into the change, test, change, test iteration loop.

We've also this feature into a free tool on our website to Test PageSpeed Insights Behind Basic Authentication, that be tried without an account.

Locale time

Times throughout the application used to be displayed as UTC. To make things easier for users to understand, they are now shown in the local time of your browser.

Full site summary

The popular summary bar has been extended to cover full site scans, allowing you to see an overview of how many pages are fast, medium and slow without clicking into the report.

This allow also you to view the trends over time quickly .

What changed between scans

The URL details page now shows when there are new opportunities and diagnostics that weren’t present in the last scan. They are marked by the new flag.

This identifies any new issues that arise so they can be actioned quickly.

Properly sized images post

Images are still one of the biggest causes of low page speed insights scores. Extremely quick wins can be achieved by resizing them. We’ve written a blog post that explains how properly size images.

Faster UI

We’ve made a few changes to make pages inside the application load faster so things are more snappy now.
