PageSpeed Insights Monitoring

  • PageSpeed, Lighthouse & CRuX Data
  • Hourly, Daily & On Demand Scans
  • Web Vitals
  • Email, Slack & Teams Alerts
  • Competitor Comparison
  • Full Site Scans

Page Speed Alerts Summary

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Below are some popular websites measured our Google PageSpeed Insights Monitoring service

Last tested: 2024-07-27T07:15:56.000000Z
Mobile Web Vitals 24 Hours Desktop Web Vitals 24 Hours
URL Score Change LCP(s) FID(ms) CLS Avg Trend Score Change LCP(s) FID(ms) CLS Avg Trend 39 3 4.6 3260 0.00 31 23   0 5.9 868 0.29 23 41 5 5.8 2030 0.09 41 55 6 1.9 618 0.00 60 25 3 5.2 834 0.32 28 73   0 1.2 208 0.14 69 48 6 3.6 1166 0.00 45 73 3 0.9 251 0.10 74 43 38 4.1 2828 0.04 29 60 66 1.9 674 0.00 54 75 1 6.7 106 0.00 76 96 1 1.3 48 0.02 97
  • LCP: Largest Contentful Paint
  • FID: First Input Delay
  • CLS: Cumulative Layout Shift
  • Powerful Features

    Google PageSpeed Monitoring that sends alerts when scores fall on your important pages. is the premier tool for anyone that is serious about Technical SEO.

    Monitored URLs

    Your important URLs are checked every hour, day or week

    Web Vitals

    Daily monitoring of LCP, FID and CLS. Read more

    URL level Analytics

    Lab and field data tracked over time

    Competitor Comparison

    See how your page performs compared to your rivals.

    Full Site Scans

    Test Google PageSpeed in bulk across every page of your website


    Alerts when a URL is slow via Email, Slack & Teams

    Automated Tests

    Set and forget. Hourly, daily and weekly options

    Google Sheets Integration

    Data exported for analysis in your favorite tools

    On Demand

    On demand scans at the click of a button

    Downloadable Reports

    Generate reports to share with your clients

    Powered by Lighthouse

    Lab and Field data from version 5 of the Pagespeed Insights API, which always runs the latest version of lighthouse.


    Comprehensive API docs to integrate into your own tools and systems

    Manage Settings

    Set how often you want scans and what URLs they should include.

    Google Analytics Friendly

    Exclude scans from your analytics

    Cache Warmer New

    Accelerate your site with multi region cache warming

    Global Load Times

    Track actual loading time from 11 locations around the world

    Test Behind Basic Authentication

    Test development sites behind HTTP Basic Authentication

    Public Pages

    Make your dashboard public to display externally

    Kick The Tyres With Our 14 Day Trial
    Start Monitoring Now

    How It Works

    Quick setup with nothing to download or install

    Add URL's

    Enter at the top of this page or inside the dashboard

    Trigger Scans

    Sit back as we scan the pages

    Analyse Results

    See which pages are slow and when they changed

    Wait For Alerts

    Automated scans notify you if your URLs change in the future

    Featured On

    Mentioned on some of the biggest product websites

    Product Hunt

    Indie Hackers

    Hacker News

    Next Level Insights for PageSpeed Monitoring

    📈 Metrics Pagespeed Insights, Web Vitals, Lighthouse, CrUX
    🕖 Frequency     Hourly, Daily, Weekly
    🛎️ Alerts Email, Slack & Teams
    ⚙️ Scans Important URLs & Full Site

    Monitor Important Pages

    Your important pages are automatically checked every day. If a URL falls below the thresholds specified, it's tagged as failing. View the status of all your monitored URLs without having to manually test each one.

    • View scores of all important pages
    • Mobile and Desktop checked
    • Easy to understand UI so you can browse quickly

    Track PageSpeed History

    Analyse the PageSpeed score for every URL over time so you can see exactly when it dropped and relate changes back to code releases or content updates.

    • Tie SERP ranking drops to PageSpeed changes
    • Up to 1 year of historical data
    • Add annotations to mark the date of changes

    Scan Your Entire Website

    Test every page on your website using the sitemap.xml to get the full picture of what your PageSpeed score is and unearth the slow pages buried deep in your information architecture.

    • View site wide scores of PageSpeed Insights, Web Vitals and Lighthouse
    • Automated and On Demand
    • Find slow pages ripe for optimization

    Competitor Comparison

    Check your score against competitors and see how you stack up. Elegant charts side by side on desktop and mobile that can be used in presentations and reports.

    • History
    • Web vitals metrics
    • Filmstrip of screenshots


    Answers to common questions.

    Do I need to install anything?

    No. Everything can be controlled from your dashboard.

    How often can I receive alerts?

    We scan your monitored URLs hourly, daily or weekly. If your score is good you won't hear from us. However, if it's slow you'll receive an email and slack message if requested. This can be set in the backend.

    Does it check mobile and desktop scores?

    Yes, we test every URL on mobile and desktop.

    What metrics do you measure?

    The primary metric we focus on and what we based our alerts around is the score from 1 to 100 returned by the PageSpeed Insights API. For additional insight, we also show Lighthouse and Web Vitals scores Largest Contentful Paint(LCP) and First Input Delay(FID) and Cumulative Layout Shift(CLS)

    How is the score calculated?

    Each URL is checked 3 times on mobile and 3 times on desktop. The final score is the average of the 3 scans.

    Does it use Lighthouse Data?

    Yes, PageSpeed Plus is powered by version 6 of the PageSpeed Insights API which uses lab and field data from Lighthouse and allows us to return all data points available.

    What is an acceptable score?

    Google looks favourably on sites that score 90 and above but we allow you to set your own thresholds for alerts.

    Can I export the data?

    Yes. Data is automatically exported to a google sheet. From there it can be ingested into other tools.

    What is the difference between Monitored & Full Site Scans?

    Monitored URLs are in depth scans that measure a wide range of things multiple times to give an average score that is more representative of real world behaviour. Full Site Scans measure less things and only take one reading. See a full comparison in our docs.

    How often can I run a full site scan?

    You have the option of daily, weekly(at the weekend) and on demand scans. We recommend a weekly scan unless you are releasing major changes that could impact your score.

    What is

    PageSpeedPlus monitors Google PageSpeed Insights scores for any website and sends alerts when important pages are slow. You have the ability to highlight which pages should be monitored from the dashboard.

    PageSpeedPlus also runs full site scans so every page on your website is tested on both mobile and desktop. Users receive an email with an average score when a full site scan completes so you can get an overall view of what you score is and if you need to look deeper at our reports. background

    PageSpeed insights is a fantastic service for people who operate small websites that don't change very often. You can paste a URL and receive a detailed report in 20 seconds about how that page performs in the eyes of Google.

    However, there is no way to automate this and you have to return to the PageSpeed Insights UI and repeat the process time after time. Very frustrating.

    Additionally, if you have more than a handful of pages it becomes impossible to test them all so most people fall back to testing the homepage and some other URLs they feel are important.

    Having built some websites that required good Pagespeed Insights scores, we got tired of these repetitive tasks getting in the way of more rewarding development work and felt they could be solved by a well designed tool with automation. From that, was formed.


    Three simple plans, billed monthly.


    20 Monthly

    • 25 URLs Monitored
    • Daily Checks
    • Full Site Scans (50 URLs)
    • Slack Notifications
    • Email Alerts
    • 1 month history
    • 2 Global Load Times locations
    • 1 User
    Start Trial


    60 Monthly

    • 100 URLs Monitored
    • Hourly Checks
    • Full Site Scans (250 URLs)
    • Slack Notifications
    • Email Alerts
    • API Access
    • Google Sheets Integration
    • 6 month history
    • 5 Global Load Times locations
    • Cache Warming (Monitored URLs)
    • 1 User


    200 Monthly

    • 500 Monitored URLs
    • Hourly Checks
    • Full Site Scans (2500 URLs)
    • On Demand Scans
    • Onboarding
    • PageSpeed Consultation
    • Slack Notifications
    • Email Alerts
    • Google Sheets Integration
    • API Access
    • 1 year history
    • 11 Global Load Times locations
    • Cache Warming (Full Site)
    • 5 Users


    $49 Lifetime

    • Unlimited User
    • Unlimited ui elements
    • E-mail support
    Try Now Purchase


    $99 Lifetime

    • Unlimited User
    • Unlimited ui elements
    • E-mail support
    Try Now Purchase


    $299 Lifetime

    • Unlimited User
    • Unlimited ui elements
    • E-mail support
    Try Now Purchase


    • Unlimited Monitored URLs
    • Daily Full Site Scans
    • Unlimited Cache Warm Locations
    • Public Dashboard
    Let's Talk